We wish you a safe and happy summer break! See you in August for the start of the 2022-2023 school year!
over 2 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Due to current forecasts related to the impending storm predicted for tomorrow, the Mendon-Upton Regional School District buildings will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 25, 2022. This closure applies to the Little Learners Program, the Before/After School vacation week program, and any community and youth programs scheduled to use MURSD facilities. Please stay safe and warm!
almost 3 years ago, MURSD
The Mendon-Upton Regional School District is seeking a visionary and student-centered elementary school principal who is committed to excellence for all students, inspires learning and innovation for all staff, and engages parents as partners. If you are ready to commit to the unwavering belief, aligned to the district’s vision, that all students can succeed and thrive, please reach out to learn more about working in Mendon-Upton. We value a diversity of background and experiences and seek a diverse pool of candidates for this role. #MURSD
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
MURSD will have a 2 hour delay today, Monday, February 14th due to the snow accumulation and poor road conditions. Pre-School Closed. Please stay safe.
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
2 hour delay
The Mendon - Upton Regional School District will host a virtual Pre-K information session on Friday, February 11th at 10:00 AM. Families may access the session via the link below. https://mursd.zoom.us/j/84408004191?pwd=TzZNTjgwMUZJS2pBZ29ndzF4N0I3dz09
almost 3 years ago, David Quinn
PreK Info Session 2/11 @ 10:00 AM
Due to the mixture of freezing rain and sleet throughout the day tomorrow, the Mendon-Upton Regional School District will be closed on Friday, February 4th.
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
An email went to all families on January 26th describing a new at-home testing opportunity where you can opt-in students to participate. To opt-in and to receive antigen tests please fill out the form as soon as possible. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOyBHb3ul4kUQUO37HIjsfJ-cAQdeL3o_eDW1JWfA8lPkFow/viewform
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Interested in learning about our Spanish Immersion Program. Please join us virtually on January 18th at 6pm for our SI Kindergarten Information Night: https://mursd.zoom.us/j/83425432882?pwd=M2grOHY5azI5L202YkpwNEkzR256UT09
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Looking for PreK registration? A virtual Open House will take place on Friday, February 11 from 10:00-10:45 AM via Zoom. Info here: https://5il.co/142wl
almost 3 years ago, MURSD Technology
MURSD District Update from Dr. Cohen: January 7, 2022 Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/6gxr8
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
District update
Due to the projected timing of the upcoming storm, there will be NO SCHOOL in the Mendon-Upton Regional School District on Friday, January 7th, 2022. Our MURSD students created a special Snow Day video they hope you will check out: https://youtu.be/OmR-MGGHSIY
almost 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Interested in the Tech Plan Committee? See info here: https://5il.co/13h1w - First meeting 1/11/2022
about 3 years ago, MURSD Technology
MURSD District Update from Dr. Cohen: December 7, 2021 Newsletter https://www.smore.com/zvqdx
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
MURSD District Update from the Office of the Interim Superintendent: November 15, 2021 Newsletter https://www.smore.com/exp03
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
We are happy to share that power has been restored at Clough ES and Miscoe Hill MS.
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
12:30pm The busses have all left Clough ES.
about 3 years ago, MURSD
12:06 Busses have picked up students from Miscoe and are running the normally scheduled routes. Clarification: There is no afterschool care at Miscoe today due to the power outages.
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
We are working on getting our school phone lines back up and running and will post through the live feed here with updates. Nipmuc phones back on line 11:30AM.
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
Due to a significant power outage in Mendon, we will need to dismiss Miscoe Hill Middle School (beginning at 11:45am) and Clough Elementary School (beginning at 12:20pm). Parents/Guardians please check your email for specific details about this dismissal. In consultation with the Mendon Police Department, we were informed that power is not expected to be restored before the end of the school day. While we recognize this is a very challenging situation, the power outage has compromised our ability to provide restrooms and lunches at Miscoe Hill Middle School and Clough Elementary School. Additionally, our phone lines at all buildings have been compromised by the outage. Beyond the phone lines, at the moment, Memorial Elementary and Nipmuc Regional High School are not impacted by this outage and will remain in school for a full day. If you need to get in touch with one of the schools, please reach out to administrative assistants via email at the emails below: Clough - Julia Busby: jbusby@mursd.org Memorial - Angelina Adams: aadams@mursd.org Miscoe - Angela Tinio: atinio@mursd.org Nipmuc - Debbie Manzella and Amy Schmidt: nipmucmainoffice@mursd.org Students will be dismissed from Miscoe beginning at 11:45 am. Students will be dismissed from Clough beginning at 12:20 pm. If you have a student at the high school who is responsible for providing care for your younger child, please email Nipmuc at nipmucmainoffice@mursd.org to notify the office of the dismissal. We will continue to provide updates through our website live feed.
about 3 years ago, Maureen Cohen
MURSD District Update - From the Office of the Interim Superintendent Click here for Dr. Cohen's District Update: https://www.smore.com/t5qb7
about 3 years ago, MURSD
MURSD Update