Summer Learning Activities
In the Mendon-Upton Regional School District our mission is to empower all learners to thrive. Our mission does not end with the last day of the school year. In fact, we encourage our school community to to engage in ongoing learning throughout the summer months. We believe that learning happens most powerfully and deeply when we nurture curiosity, discover interests, and pursue passions. We believe that deeper learning occurs when we engage in authentic experiences and create products that have meaning and relevance beyond the classroom. Therefore, the summer months are a unique opportunity for students to continue growing, learning, and engaging in their interests.
This summer learning webpage provides our summer reading lists alongside some targeted summer learning practice and inspired learning.
Summer Reading Philosophy
The philosophy of the Mendon-Upton Regional School District’s summer reading program is to continue to empower our learners to thrive in the summer months. We believe that reading is not just a school-based activity, but a lifelong activity and our mission is to foster life-long learners and readers. Therefore, we believe establishing a high quality summer reading program provides our learners an avenue to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and grow as individuals.
Summer Reading Goals
To foster student engagement and enjoyment in reading through choice
To extend curriculum opportunities beyond the academic school year
To communicate with students and families high quality literature options