What is School Choice?
The School Choice Program allows students from Massachusetts' towns other than Mendon or Upton to attend the Mendon-Upton Regional School District. The School Choice Program is only available for non-residents, as determined by the Department of Education. Transportation to the Mendon-Upton Regional Schools will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian/caregiver. The number of students admitted will be based on space availability.
School Choice in the Mendon-Upton Regional School District
The Mendon-Upton Regional School District is currently a School Choice district. By June 1st every year, the School Committee will vote on whether they will accept School Choice students for the following year. At that time the preliminary number of school choice "seats" for the following school year is determined and is based on current and projected enrollment and class sizes. If there are more applicants than spots, then a random lottery will be held before the end of the school year.
School Choice Application Process
The school choice application process is managed in the Office of the District's Superintendent. Beginning in February, applications for the next year will be made available here on this website by February 1. (Prior year application forms will remain posted for informational purposes)
Submission of Application:
Beginning in 2025, we will move to an online application form. We will also allow for hard copy forms to be mailed or emailed if needed. Address for mailing is to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, Mendon-Upton Regional School District, 150 North Avenue, Mendon, MA 01756.
School Applications Open: After February 1.
School Choice Applications Close: Second Friday in May.
School Choice Notification: Notifications for school choice will be by June 1.
Note: 2025-2026 School Choice Applications Will Be Posted Below on February 3.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do all school districts participate?
School Choice is governed by MA General Law, Chapter 76, and Section 12B. This legislation allows students to attend public schools outside of the district they reside in. The local School Committee chooses whether or not to accept choice students from neighboring towns and can designate a maximum number of available School Choice seats per grade each year.
How are students selected?
The Mendon-Upton Regional School District has an application and lottery process to select School Choice students that is in adherence with the provisions set forth by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. When admitting students through school choice under G.L. c.76, ยง 12B, school districts may not consider or discriminate based on race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, ancestry, athletic performance, physical handicap, special need, academic performance, or proficiency in the English language. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available seats, the selection of students must be on a random basis. The selection process must take place prior to July 1st and again, assuming there are seats available, prior to November 1st.
Do parents pay tuition for School Choice?
No. There is no expense to the parents. The District in which a school choice student resides is charged. The Department of Education calculates School Choice tuition. Families are responsible for paying any student activity fees, athletic fees, lunch, etc.
How many School Choice students are accepted each year?
The number varies each year and depends upon the number of seats available in each grade in each building in the district. The Superintendent works closely with building Principals to estimate class size numbers for the next school year.
Is transportation provided for School Choice students?
No, transportation to and from school each day is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Do I need to reapply every year after my child has been chosen?
No. Once a child has been accepted as School Choice, they are enrolled until they graduate or transfer.
How will I know if my child has been accepted?
Each family will receive a notification informing them of their School Choice after the application deadline and completion of the lottery, if needed. If your child was accepted, you will receive enrollment information with the notification.
I have one child that is already enrolled through the School Choice program. Can my other children enroll in the District as well?
No. Siblings of students already enrolled through School Choice must also apply and go through the lottery process. However, siblings are given priority for enrollment.
Can my child transfer back to their previous school?
Yes. Your child can return to their previous school at any time. You would need to contact the school to arrange for the transfer process. If you transfer out of a district as a School Choice student, the seat will not be held.
For More Information
Below you will find links to MA General Laws and DESE Guidelines and advisories related to School Choice.