Bullying Prevention in the Mendon-Upton Regional School District
The Mendon-Upton Regional School District is committed to providing our students with equal educational opportunities and a safe learning environment free from bullying and cyberbullying. This commitment is an integral part of our comprehensive efforts to promote learning, and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive behavior that can impede the learning process.
The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan is a comprehensive approach to addressing bullying and cyberbullying, and our District is committed to working with students, staff, families, law enforcement agencies, and the community to prevent issues of violence. In consultation with these constituencies, we have established this Plan for preventing, intervening, and responding to incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation.
The plan has been developed and reviewed by the Anti-bullying Task Force which consists of administrators, teachers, parents, and community members. The plan was originally published in 2010. More recently it was reviewed and approved through DESE's Tiered-Focused Monitoring in 2021, and reviewed by the School Committee in January 2025.