Miscoe Hill Middle School
School Guidance Counselor
5th and 7th Grade Guidance
Phone: 508-634-1590 ext. 2008

Kathleen Allen

Anne Blackney
Miscoe Hill Middle School
5th and 7th Grade School Guidance Counselor
Phone: 508-634-1580 ext. 2007

Mr. Christopher Massey
Miscoe Hill Middle School
School Guidance Counselor- All grades
Phone: 508-634-1580 ext. 2000

Ms. Emma Steiner
Miscoe Hill Middle School
Clinical Coordinator
Phone: 508-634-1580 ext. 2126
School counseling & Local Resources
The goal of the Guidance Counselors is to assist all students in maximizing the development of individual potentials—intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically—enabling them to become responsible, respectful, and productive life-long learners.
Helping students understand themselves and others and appreciate differences.
Empowering students to resolve conflicts peacefully.
Providing “preventive” counseling and assisting students in developing coping skills.
Assisting students, teachers, parents and administrators and community members.
Collaborating with parents/guardians and families in their children’s education.
Helping make the school experience positive and successful.
Facilitating partnerships with community and other social agencies.
Encouraging a learning environment where all members are respected and supported.
How does a child see the counselor?
Parent/Guardian referral
School staff referral
Community referral
Referral by a friend.Where does a child see the Counselor?
Counselor’s Office
PlaygroundHow can a parent meet the Counselor?
Call and make an appointment.
Attend Open Houses and PTA Meetings.
Ask your child’s teacher or principal.
Why see your Counselor?
Without Middle School Counselors, problems which might have been addressed or diagnosed early may become unmanageable by the time the child reaches high school.
The school counselor supports a healthy learning environment for all children by providing interventions for distressed children that could otherwise inhibit classroom success.
The Middle School Guidance Counselor is a...
Counselor — Service Provider
Provides individual and small group counseling.
Provides crisis intervention.
Helps in assessing student needs.
Reviews and interprets cumulative records.
Provides resource materials and support for health programs and lessons.
Provides Mediation Services.
Assists with standardized testing programs.
Consultant — Resource Person
Consults with staff, parents/guardians and community agencies.
Provides parent/guardian outreach.
Participates on Support Teams that develop programs for individual students.
Interprets assessments and records
Coordinator — Facilitator/Educator Designs and implements developmental counseling programs on topics such as: Facilitates student grade transitions.
Conflict Resolution
Abuse Prevention
Appreciating Diversity
Health Frameworks
Decision Making
Friendship/Social Skills/Student
Human Growth and Development
Welcome new students
Health/Wellness Topics
Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco
Community Resources
Career Development and Planning
Family issues as it impacts the student
What is a Counselor?
A Counselor is someone who listens no matter what you say.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel confused.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you need to share.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel happy.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel angry.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel worried.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel proud.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel frightened.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel sad.
A Counselor is someone you can talk to when you feel lonely.
A Counselor is someone who is always a friend!!!!