Notice: New registration forms for 2024-2025 will be posted in February

Before & After School Program

Memorial: 508-529-6212

Before and After School  Program -

Memorial Elementary School

For Memorial students in grades K-4
2023-2024 School Year

MURSD offers the Before and After School Program to all students in grades K-4. For Memorial students, this program is located at Memorial Elementary School in Upton.

  • Open enrollment each year starts on  February 1st.

  • Applications cannot be accepted without a deposit.

  • Slots are filled on a first come, first served basis. We maintain a small student-to-staff ratio and the availability of space dictates the size of the program.  

Fees & Payment Information
Fees are based on (10) monthly payments with the deposit as your 1st payment and the 10th payment in May. All payments are due no later than the 15th of each month (you are paying in advance).  

Before School:

7:00 am - 9:00 am

5 days a week

$225.00 a month

4 days a week

$185.00 a month

3 days a week

$145.00 a month

2 days a week

$105.00 a month

After School:

3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

5 days a week

$325.00 a month

4 days a week

$300.00 a month

3 days a week

$250.00 a month

2 days a week

$175.00 a month 

Before & After School Contact:  Mrs. Lana Laczka:  508-529-6212